Please be aware that usage of this action as soon as the conversation is created will incur costs. To safeguard against API usage, consider setting values for max call duration, participant leave timeout, and participant absent timeout.


replica idStringThe unique identifier for the replica that will join the conversation.
persona idStringThe unique identifier for the persona that the replica will use in the conversation.
callback urlStringA URL that will receive webhooks with updates regarding the conversation state.
conversation nameStringA name for the conversation.
conversational contextStringOptional context that will be appended to any context provided in the persona, if one is provided.
custom greetingStringAn optional custom greeting that the replica will give once a participant joins the conversation.
max call durationNumberThe maximum duration of the conversation in seconds. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour).
participant leave timeoutNumberThe duration in seconds after which the call will automatically end once the last participant leaves.
participant absent timeoutNumberThe duration in seconds after which the call will automatically end if no participant joins. Default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
enable recordingBooleanIf true, enables the user to record the conversation. See instructions on recording for more details.
enable transcriptionBooleanIf true, enables the user to transcribe the conversation.
apply greenscreenBooleanIf true, replaces the background with a greenscreen (RGB: [0, 255, 155]). Can be adjusted using WebGL.
languageStringThe language of the conversation. Use the FULL language name (e.g., “English”). Refer to supported languages for Cartesia, ElevenLabs, or PlayHT.
recording s3 bucket nameStringThe name of the S3 bucket where the recording will be stored.
recording s3 bucket regionStringThe region of the S3 bucket where the recording will be stored.
aws assume role arnStringThe ARN of the role that will be assumed to access the S3 bucket.

Returned Values

conversation idTextA unique identifier for the conversation.
conversation nameTextThe name of the conversation.
statusTextThe status of the conversation. Possible values: active, ended.
conversation urlTextA direct link to join the conversation. This link can also be embedded in a website.
replica idTextA unique identifier for the replica used to create the conversation.
persona idTextA unique identifier for the persona used to create the conversation.
created atDateThe date and time the conversation was created.