
The Daily plugin for Bubble makes it easy to add robust video and audio chat functionality to your app. With just a few steps, you can start offering seamless video communication within your platform.

Quick Setup Guide

  1. Install the Daily plugin from the Bubble marketplace

  2. Create a Daily Account: If you don’t have one yet, sign up for a Daily account.

  3. Retrieve Your API Key: Log in to your Daily developer dashboard and copy your API key.

  4. Configure the Plugin: In Bubble, navigate to the plugin settings and enter your Daily API key into the API key section, prefixing it with Bearer (e.g., Bearer 4ffad...).

  5. Start Building: You’re now ready to use the Daily plugin in your workflows! Begin creating rooms, managing participants, and more using the plugin’s built-in actions.

How-To Guides

Here’s a collection of how-to guides that will help you extend and customize the Daily plugin in your Bubble app:

How-ToDescriptionLink to Guide
Use Daily EventsLearn how to trigger actions based on call eventsUse Daily Events
Owner-Only BroadcastSet up owner-only broadcast, restricting participant streamsOwner-Only Broadcast
Set Up LivestreamStream to external platforms like YouTube or TwitchSet Up Livestream
Extend Daily with API CallsAdd custom API calls for additional functionalityExtend Daily with API Calls

For more tutorials and a step-by-step guide to creating a video chat app with Daily and Bubble, check out this Daily blog post.