Premium Support

If you need more tailored help beyond our community support and documentation, consider subscribing to Premium Support. With Premium Support, you’ll receive:

  • Faster assistance: Get 48-hour response times for your inquiries.
  • Support for all add-ons: Support for any Lunch Pail add-ons you’ve installed.
  • Support credits: For any missed service-level commitments.
  • Expert guidance: Personalized advice on integration and implementation (while we won’t build the app or workflow for you, we’ll provide tailored tutorials and examples for your use case).
  • Feature request priority: Shape the roadmap—your feature requests move to the top of our development roadmap, ensuring we build the features you need first.
  • Cancel anytime: Flexibility to cancel your subscription at any point.

Subscribe to Premium Support

Manage Your Premium Support Subscription

To manage your subscription or update your billing details, log in here.

Free Community Support

Below are the forum and feature request links for community support and providing feedback:


Add-onForum Link
Daily Video Chat Plugin for BubbleDaily Video Chat Plugin
SmartSuite Plugin for BubbleSmartSuite Plugin

Feature Requests

If you have a feature request for one of our add-ons, please let us know by voting on or creating a post on our Canny board:

Add-onFeature Request Link
Daily Video Chat Plugin for BubbleDaily Video Chat Plugin
SmartSuite Plugin for BubbleSmartSuite Plugin


If you have any questions about Premium Support, feel free to reach out at