

The following fields are available in this action:

Room NameTextThe room for which this token is valid.
UsernameTextThe user’s name in the meeting. Displays in the UI when the user is muted or has the camera off, and in the chat window. Optional.
Is OwnerBooleanDetermines if the user has meeting owner privileges. If the room is configured for owner-only broadcast, this user can send video, audio, and screen share. Default is false.
Start Cloud RecordingBooleanDetermines whether to automatically start cloud recording when the user with this token joins the room. Default is false.
Enable RecordingTextDetermines whether a recording is enabled for the user with this token. Options: cloud, local, rtp-tracks, output-byte-stream. For Daily Scale Plan users only. Optional.
User IDTextThe user’s ID for this meeting session. Can be used to map between your user database and meeting events. Optional, max length is 36 characters.
Start Video OffBooleanWhen a participant first joins the meeting, keep their camera off. Default is false.
Start Audio OffBooleanWhen a participant first joins the meeting, keep their microphone muted. Default is false.
LanguageTextThe default language for this user. Supported options: en (English), es (Spanish), fr (French), and more. Optional.
Eject at Token ExpiryBooleanKicks the user out of the meeting when the meeting token expires. If this or eject_after_elapsed is set, the room’s eject properties are overridden. Optional.
Eject After ElapsedNumberKicks the user out of the meeting this many seconds after they join. If this or eject_at_token_exp is set, the room’s eject properties are overridden. Optional.
Not Before (Unix Timestamp)NumberUsers cannot join the room before this time. A Unix timestamp (seconds since epoch). Optional.
Expires (Unix Timestamp)NumberUsers cannot join the room after this time. A Unix timestamp (seconds since epoch). Optional.


🔐 Plus Plugin Only: This is only available in the Plus version of the plugin. Get the Plus plugin here.

Auto startBooleanStart transcription when an owner joins the room. This property can be used to always transcribe meetings once an owner joins.
Live captions UIBooleanSets whether the participant sees a closed captions button in their Daily Prebuilt call tray. When the closed caption button is clicked, closed captions are displayed locally. When set to yes, a closed captions button appears in the call tray.

Returned Values

The following values are returned by the action:

TokenTextThe generated token