🔐 Bundle plugin only: This is exclusive to the Video, Audio & Live Bundle. Get the bundle plugin here.


transcriptIdTextThe ID of the transcript you would like to retrieve

Returned Values

transcriptIdTextThe unique ID of the transcription session.
linkTextThe direct link to the transcript file in VTT format.
outParamsObjectContains additional parameters related to the transcription storage.
outParams → keyTextThe storage key for the transcript file.
outParams → bucketTextThe S3 bucket where the transcript is stored.
outParams → regionTextThe region where the transcript file is stored (e.g., us-west-2).
error.status_codeNumberThe HTTP status code returned by the API (e.g., 200 for success).
error.status_messageTextThe HTTP status message returned by the API (e.g., "OK").
error.bodyTextThe raw error body message as a string.
returned_an_errorBooleanA flag indicating whether the API returned an error. false means no error occurred.