Phone Features
List phone numbers
Use this action to view available phone numbers. Learn more in Daily’s documentation. Phone numbers are pay-as-you-go, so be sure to add your credit card to your Daily account to enable this feature.
🔐 Bundle plugin only: This is exclusive to the Video, Audio & Live Bundle. Get the bundle plugin here.
Field | Type | Description |
area code | Text | An areacode to search within. |
region | Text | A region or state to search within. Must be an ISO 3166-2 alpha-2 code, i.e. CA for California. Cannot be used in combination with areacode. |
city | Text | A specific City to search within. Example, New York. Must be used in combination with region. Cannot be used with areacode, starts_with, contains, or ends_with. |
contains | Text | A string of 3 to 7 digits that should appear somewhere in the number. |
start with | Text | A string of 3 to 7 digits that should be used as the start of a number. Cannot be used in combination with contains or ends_with. |
ends with | Text | A string of 3 to 7 digits that should be used as the end of a number. Cannot be used in combination with starts_with or contains. |
⚠️ Important Notes:
- Enter either an area code or a region—using both will result in an error.
- To use the city field, you must also enter a region.
- Pick one field: contains, starts with, or ends with—using more than one will cause an error.
Returned Values
Field | Type | Description |
phone numbers | Text (list) | List of available phone numbers matching the criteria. |
error | Boolean | Indicates if an error occurred during the request. |
error message | Text | Description of any error that occurred. |
error status | Number | Numeric error status code. |