🔐 Plus Plugin Only: This is only available in the Plus version of the plugin. Get the Plus plugin here.

General Fields

Integration IDTextThe ID for the integration. You can select the ID. To use the start custom integrations and stop custom integration actions you will set the integration
Clear ExistingBooleanSet to no to clear existing integrations. Set to yes to keep existing integrations and add new ones. Useful when adding multiple integrations.
srcTextThe iframe’s source URL. For more info see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#src. Either provide a src or a srcdoc
src docTextUsage: srcdoc: HTMLIFrameElement[‘srcdoc’]; Allows you to integrate inline HTML in an iframe. For more info see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#srcdoc To see if your browser supports this, read here https://caniuse.com/iframe-srcdoc. Either provide a src or a src doc
Controlled BydropdownSpecifies who in the call is able to start and stop this integration. ’*’ means all participants can start and stop this integration. ‘owners’ means only meeting owners can start and stop.
icon URItextSpecifies a publicly available URL to an icon image file associated with the integration.
labeldropdownUsed to render the integration’s name in Prebuilt.
loadingdropdownOptions are eager and lazy. By default integrations will be loaded lazily.
locationdropdownDaily supports two different types of custom integrations: 1. Main call area integrations 2. Sidebar integrations
shareddropdownWhen configured, it shares the integration’s state with other participants in the call: true will share with all other participants false won’t share owners will share with owners only.

Advanced Settings

Below are optional advanced recording settings to further configure a custom integration with policies

csptextSpecifies the Content Security Policy for the iframe. Please check browser support before using this property.
Referrer PolicytextUsage: referrerPolicy: HTMLIFrameElement[‘referrerPolicy’]; Indicates which referrer to send when fetching the frame’s resource.
allowtextUsage: allow: HTMLIFrameElement[‘allow’]; Specifies the feature policy for the iframe.
sandboxtextUsage: sandbox: string A unique policy for the iframe. Applies extra restrictions to the content in the frame. For more info see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/iframe#sandbox.

Returned Values

No values are returned by this action