🔐 Plus Plugin Only: This is only available in the Plus version of the plugin. Get the Plus plugin here.


The following fields are available in this action:

Room IDTextThe unique identifier of the room to retrieve threads from.

Returned Values

The following values are returned by the action: [] indicates an array of objects.

body.data[]ArrayAn array of thread objects found inside the room.
body.data[].typeTextThe type of the object, typically "thread".
body.data[].idTextThe unique identifier of the thread.
body.data[].roomIdTextThe unique identifier of the room where the thread exists.
body.data[].commentsArrayAn array of comments associated with the thread.
body.data[].comments[].typeTextThe type of the object, typically "comment".
body.data[].comments[].threadIdTextThe unique identifier of the thread to which the comment belongs.
body.data[].comments[].roomIdTextThe unique identifier of the room where the comment exists.
body.data[].comments[].idTextThe unique identifier of the comment within the thread.
body.data[].comments[].userIdTextThe user ID of the person who created the comment.
body.data[].comments[].createdAtDate/TimeThe timestamp of when the comment was created.
body.data[].comments[].bodyObjectThe content body of the comment. This is an object that includes version and content.
body.data[].comments[].body.versionNumberThe version number of the comment content.
body.data[].comments[].body.contentArrayAn array of content blocks in the comment. Each block contains further nested data, such as paragraph text.
body.data[].comments[].body.content[].typeTextThe type of the content block (e.g., "paragraph").
body.data[].comments[].body.content[].childrenArrayAn array containing the children of the content block, typically containing text objects.
body.data[].comments[].body.content[].children[].textTextThe actual text content of the comment, such as "hey this is athread".
body.data[].createdAtDate/TimeThe timestamp of when the thread was created.
body.data[].updatedAtDate/TimeThe timestamp of when the thread was last updated.
body.data[].resolvedBooleanA flag indicating whether the thread has been resolved.
error.status_codeNumberThe HTTP status code returned by the API (e.g., 200 for success).
error.status_messageTextThe HTTP status message returned by the API (e.g., "OK").
error.bodyTextThe raw error body message as a string.
returned_an_errorBooleanA flag indicating whether the API returned an error. false means no error occurred.