
URLTextEnter the full Daily URL for the room the user should join. If you don’t have a URL yet, you can add one with the Daily - Create room action. The URL should be in the format:
Room StyleDropdownChoose the room style. Options: fullscreen, bottom right, top right, custom position, audio only. Fullscreen will occupy the entire screen. Custom position allows the call to display in a specific group. Default is bottom right.
Meeting TokenTextOptionally enter a meeting token to configure the video session on a per-user basis. To create a meeting token, use the Daily - Create meeting token action. Optional.
Active Speaker ModeBooleanSpecifies whether to start the Daily Prebuilt call in active speaker mode. Defaults to yes but can be set to no to start the call in grid mode instead.
Leave ButtonBooleanDetermines whether the leave button is visible. Default is true.
Full Screen ButtonBooleanDetermines whether the full-screen button is visible. Default is true.
Minimum TilesNumberSpecifies the minimum video tiles in grid mode when the browser is resized. Default is 1.
Maximum TilesNumberSpecifies the maximum video tiles in grid mode when the browser is resized. Default is 25, maximum allowed is 49.
Element IDTextFor a video call in a custom position, enter the ID attribute of the group you want the call to render in and choose “custom position” as the room style. Optional.
AccentColorMain theme color used for primary actions and keyboard focus. Default is rgba(27, 235, 185, 1).
Accent TextColorText color rendered on accent. Default is rgba(18, 26, 36, 1).
BackgroundColorBackground color. Default is rgba(18, 26, 36, 1).
Background AccentColorBackground color for highlighted elements. Default is rgba(31, 45, 61, 1).
Base TextColorDefault text and icon color, rendered on the background or background accent. Default is rgba(255, 255, 255, 1).
BorderColorDefault border color for bordered elements. Default is rgba(43, 63, 86, 1).
Main Area BackgroundColorBackground color for the main call area. Default is rgba(18, 26, 36, 1).
Main Area Background AccentColorBackground color for video tiles. Default is rgba(43, 63, 86, 1).
Main Area TextColorText color for text rendered inside the main call area (e.g., names). Default is rgba(255, 255, 255, 1).
Supportive TextColorText color for less emphasized, supportive text. Default is rgba(200, 209, 220, 1).