

RoomTextName of the room that you would like to configure.
PrivacyTextDetermines room access. Options: public or private. Default is public.
Enable KnockingBooleanTurns on a lobby experience for private rooms. Users without meeting tokens can request access by “knocking.” Options: Yes or No. Default is true.
LanguageTextDefault language for the room. Options: en (English), es (Spanish), etc. Default is en.
Enable Screen ShareBooleanDetermines whether screen share is enabled. Options: Yes or No. Default is true.
Enable ChatBooleanDetermines whether chat is enabled. Options: Yes or No. Default is true.
Enable People UIBooleanDetermines whether to display People UI. Default is true.
Enable Prejoin UIBooleanDetermines whether participants enter a waiting room with camera, mic, and browser checks before joining. Default is true.
Video Processing UIBooleanEnables background blur controls for participants. Default is false.
Enable PiP UIBooleanSets whether Picture in Picture controls are enabled in Daily Prebuilt. Default is false.
Emoji ReactionsBooleanEnables emoji reactions in the call. Default is false.
Hand RaisingBooleanAllows participants to raise hands in Daily Prebuilt. Default is false.
Noise CancellationBooleanEnables microphone noise cancellation during calls. Default is false.

Advanced Settings

The following fields are optional advanced settings:

Not Before (Unix Timestamp)NumberUsers cannot join the room before this time. A Unix timestamp (seconds since epoch). Optional.
Expires (Unix Timestamp)NumberUsers cannot join the room after this time. A Unix timestamp (seconds since epoch).
Owner Only BroadcastBooleanIf set to yes, only meeting owners can turn on camera, unmute mic, and share screen. Configure meeting owner token using Daily - create meeting token action. Default is false.
Eject at Room ExpirationBooleanIf a meeting is ongoing at room expiration time, this setting ejects all participants. Optional.
Eject After Elapsed TimeNumberEjects participants after a set number of seconds. Optional.
Meeting Join HookTextOptional URL to receive a webhook when a user joins a room.
Advanced ChatBooleanProvides enhanced chat options like emoji reactions and Giphy messages. Default is false.
Breakout RoomsBooleanSets whether Daily Prebuilt’s breakout rooms feature is enabled. When set to true, an owner in a Prebuilt call can create breakout rooms to divide participants into smaller, private groups.
Shared Chat HistoryBooleanWhen enabled, newly joined participants in Prebuilt calls will request chat history from remote peers, in order to view chat messages from before they joined.

Credit Card Required to Unlock

The following fields are only available after adding a credit card to your account. Visit Daily Billing to learn more about pricing and unlock these features:

Max ParticipantsNumberMaximum participants allowed in a room at the same time. Default is 200. Optional.
Enable RecordingDropdownDetermines whether recording is enabled. Options: cloud, local, rtp-tracks, output-byte-stream, cloud-beta. Optional.


🔐 Plus Plugin Only: This is only available in the Plus version of the plugin. Get the Plus plugin here.

Live Captions UIBooleanSets whether participants can see a closed captions button in the call tray. When set to yes, the button appears, and participants can toggle captions locally. When set to no, the button is hidden.
Transcription StorageBooleanControls whether live transcriptions started with startTranscription() are saved as WebVTT files.
Auto TranscriptionBooleanSet to yes to enable automatic transcription. Requires additional settings in the create meeting token action and to set the following fields.
LanguageTextSpecifies the transcription language. See available options in Deepgram’s documentation.
ModelDropdownSelects the model for transcription. View available models in Deepgram’s documentation.
Profanity FilterBooleanFilters out recognized profanity, replacing it with a non-profane word or removing it entirely from the transcript. Learn more here.
PunctuateBooleanAdds punctuation and capitalization to the transcript. Learn more here.
EndpointingNumberControls the delay (in milliseconds) for returning transcripts when pauses in speech are detected. The default is 10 milliseconds. Learn more here.
RedactTextRemoves sensitive information from transcripts. Provide a comma-separated list of entities to redact. Learn more here.
Raw ResponseBooleanIncludes Deepgram’s raw response in the transcription data.

Returned Values

The following values are returned by the action:

PrivacyTextDefines room privacy setting (public or private).
URLTextThe room URL created.
Created AtDateThe date and time when the room was created.
Expiration (Unix Time)NumberThe expiration time for the room in Unix timestamp format.
Enable ChatBooleanIndicates if chat is enabled.
Room IDTextThe ID of the created room.
Room NameTextThe name of the created room.
Owner Only BroadcastBooleanIndicates if only the owner can broadcast in the room.
Not Before (Unix Time)NumberThe time before which no one can join the room. Optional.