Element Actions

Begin Event ListeningUse this action after the Daily - join room action to start listening for events. Not required when using the Daily custom video call element.



The following events can be emitted during a Daily call:

left-meetingEmitted when the local participant has left the call. The call is considered disconnected.
joined-meetingEmitted when the local participant has joined the call. The call is considered connected.
participant-leftEmitted when a remote participant leaves the call.
participant-joinedEmitted when a remote participant joins the call.
active-speaker-changedEmitted when the active speaker changes during the call.
recording-startedEmitted for all participants when a recording starts.
recording-stoppedEmitted for all participants when a recording stops.
recording-errorEmitted when a recording error occurs.

Bundle Events

🔐 Bundle plugin only: This is exclusive to the Video, Audio & Live Bundle. Get the bundle plugin here.

transcription-startedEmitted for all participants when transcription starts.
transcription-errorEmitted for all participants when there has been a transcription error.
transcription-stoppedEmitted for all participants when transcription stops.
live-streaming-startedEmitted for all participants when live streaming starts.
live-streaming-stoppedEmitted for all participants when live streaming stops.
live-streaming-errorEmitted for all participants when there has been a live streaming error.
live-streaming-updatedEmitted for all participants when live streaming is updated.

Exposed States

The following states are available to access information about participants and events in a Daily call:

event participant user idTextThe participant user ID associated with the current event.
current participant user idsListA list of user IDs for all current participants in the call.
active speakerTextThe user ID of the active speaker in the call.
recording instance idTextDisplays the instance ID whenever the instance is started or stopped.
recording idTextShows the recording ID when the recording begins. Useful for grabbing the recording URL.

Bundle States

🔐 Bundle plugin only: This is exclusive to the Video, Audio & Live Bundle. Get the bundle plugin here.

transcription idTextThe unique ID assigned to the transcription session when it starts.
custom button idTextThe ID of the custom button that was clicked.
live streaming instance idTextShows the live streaming instance ID when the live streaming starts.
live streaming error messageTextShows the live streaming error message when there is an error.
app messageTextThe message sent using the send app message action.