This guide will walk you through how to use the Daily events element in your Bubble app. Daily events allow you to customize the user experience when specific actions occur during a call.


Add the Daily Events Element

Place the Daily events element somewhere on the page. A common approach is to place it inside a hidden popup that never triggers, keeping it out of view while it listens for events.

Daily Events Element

Understand Key Events

The plugin includes several key events that trigger actions when users interact with the call:

Start Listening to Events

Make sure to add the “begin listening” action after you join a room. This is essential for Bubble to start capturing and processing the events.

Begin Listening Action

Trigger Actions Based on Events

Use the events to trigger specific actions in your app.


For example, you could:

  • Redirect users to a different page once they leave the call.
  • Execute actions only after the user has joined the call.

You can check out a demo editor that showcases how these events function within a Bubble app.

Next Steps

Now that you know how to use Daily events, integrate them into your app to improve user interaction during calls and explore more advanced functionalities.