After setting up a presence tracker with the Liveblocks plugin, you might want to take things further and show where users are on the page in real time. That’s where live cursors come in.

With live cursors, you can:

  • Track user movement: See where each user’s cursor is as they navigate the page.
  • Show collaborative editing positions: Visualize where users are making edits in real-time.
  • Enhance collaborative experiences: Provide real-time visual feedback for multiple users working on the same document.

What We’ll Build

This tutorial covers how we set up live cursors in the demo app. You can check out the full setup in the tutorial demo editor, or try it yourself in the live demo.

Live demo of live cursors

1. Set up Your App and Plugin for Presence

First, you’ll need to complete the presence tracker tutorial to set up the Liveblocks plugin and database.

Once that’s done, copy the page and prepare it for adding live cursors.

Page setup screenshot

2. Expose HTML Elements in Bubble

To track cursor positions, we need to expose HTML elements in Bubble. Go to the Settings tab, under the General section, and check the option to Expose the option to add an ID attribute to HTML elements.

Settings tab screenshot

3. Add an ID to Group User

In the designer, go to the Group User element and add an ID attribute. Choose any prefix (e.g., cursor), and append it with Current cell's text. This will allow the plugin to track each user’s cursor uniquely. We’ll use this prefix later in the Liveblocks - enter room action.

Add ID to Group User screenshot

4. Modify the Workflow to Track Cursors

Now, head to the Workflows tab. In the Liveblocks - enter room action, update the following settings:

  • Set Enable position to yes.
  • Set HTML ID prefix to the prefix you chose in step 3 (e.g., cursor).

You can leave Hide default cursors as is.

Modify workflow screenshot

5. Test It Out

Preview the page and open it in multiple tabs. You’ll notice that as users move their cursors around the page, their avatars will follow the cursor movements.

Cursor movement screenshot

Next Steps

Now that live cursors are up and running, explore the plugin reference to discover additional customization options.