🔐 Bundle plugin only: This is exclusive to the Video, Audio & Live Bundle. Get the bundle plugin here.

Embed third-party apps into your Daily Prebuilt calls to enhance collaboration. If it supports iframes, you can integrate it—whether it’s Miro, Google Docs, YouTube, or more.

Video tutorial

If you prefer a video walkthrough, check out our step-by-step tutorial below. Otherwise, keep reading for the written guide:


How to set multiple integrations

There are two ways to set multiple integrations:

  1. Set Custom Integration: If you only need to add one or two integrations, you can use the set custom integration.

  1. Batch Set Custom Integration: For adding multiple integrations, you can use the batch set custom integration. This action takes a correctly formatted JSON object to set several integrations at once.

Here’s an example of how to correctly format a JSON object for multiple custom integrations. In this case, we’ve embedded a YouTube video and a Figma design. You can adapt the src, label, and other fields to match the services you want to integrate.

  "youtubeEmbed": {
    "controlledBy": "*",
    "iconURL": "https://cdn.brandfetch.io/idVfYwcuQz/theme/dark/symbol.svg?k=bfHSJFAPEG",
    "label": "Youtube",
    "location": "main",
    "name": "youtube",
    "shared": true,
    "loading": "lazy",
    "src": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRo6TmFu87o"
  "figmaEmbed": {
    "controlledBy": "*",
    "iconURL": "https://cdn.brandfetch.io/idZHcZ_i7F/theme/dark/symbol.svg?k=bfHSJFAPEG",
    "label": "Figma",
    "location": "main",
    "name": "figma",
    "shared": true,
    "loading": "lazy",
    "src": "https://embed.figma.com/design/0j79qGWGq9DN5dvhHuPuUJ/Material-3-Design-Kit-(Community)?node-id=11-1833&embed-host=share"

Common Embed Examples

Here are some common examples of third-party embeds you can use:


  "youtubeEmbed": {
    "controlledBy": "*",
    "iconURL": "https://cdn.brandfetch.io/idVfYwcuQz/theme/dark/symbol.svg?k=bfHSJFAPEG",
    "label": "YouTube",
    "location": "main",
    "shared": true,
    "loading": "lazy",
    "src": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOUR_VIDEO_ID"


  "figmaEmbed": {
    "controlledBy": "*",
    "iconURL": "https://cdn.brandfetch.io/idZHcZ_i7F/theme/dark/symbol.svg?k=bfHSJFAPEG",
    "label": "Figma",
    "location": "main",
    "shared": true,
    "loading": "lazy",
    "src": "https://embed.figma.com/design/YOUR_PROJECT_URL"


  "miroEmbed": {
    "controlledBy": "*",
    "iconURL": "https://files.readme.io/17d4a23-miro-logo-color-square.png",
    "label": "Miro",
    "location": "main",
    "shared": true,
    "loading": "lazy",
    "src": "https://miro.com/app/live-embed/YOUR_BOARD_ID/"

Google Docs

  "googleDocEmbed": {
    "controlledBy": "*",
    "iconURL": "https://cdn-icons-png.flaticon.com/512/5968/5968517.png",
    "label": "Google Docs",
    "location": "main",
    "shared": true,
    "loading": "lazy",
    "src": "https://docs.google.com/document/d/YOUR_DOCUMENT_ID/edit?usp=sharing"

Google Slides

  "googleSlidesEmbed": {
    "controlledBy": "*",
    "iconURL": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/16/Google_Slides_2020_Logo.svg/440px-Google_Slides_2020_Logo.svg.png",
    "label": "Google Slides",
    "location": "main",
    "shared": true,
    "loading": "lazy",
    "src": "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/YOUR_PRESENTATION_ID/edit?usp=sharing"


  "spotifyPlaylistEmbed": {
    "controlledBy": "*",
    "iconURL": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Spotify_logo_with_text.svg",
    "label": "Spotify",
    "location": "main",
    "shared": true,
    "loading": "lazy",
    "src": "https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID"


  "replitEmbed": {
    "controlledBy": "*",
    "iconURL": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Repl.it_logo.svg",
    "label": "Replit",
    "location": "main",
    "shared": true,
    "loading": "lazy",
    "src": "https://replit.com/@YOUR_USER/YOUR_PROJECT?embed=true"